We are a Shopify-certified SEO agency based in the UAE and UK. We offer search engine optimization services to ambitious Shopify and Shopify Plus brands. Our approach to Shopify SEO focuses on using data and expertise to deliver results. We combine research, technical optimization, content, backlinks, and data analysis to drive commercial success. We use the best technology and Shopify apps in the SEO industry to understand and plan our campaigns. We are proud to combine people-first values with expertise when working with our clients.

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We start our SEO services by researching keywords. We look for words that can help improve your website’s visibility and check which keywords are working well for your competitors. After that, we review your website to see how it’s currently doing in search results and find ways to improve its key pages. We’ll also work on organizing your site better and plan out what content can help support the chosen keywords in the long run. Our development team will do technical audits to make your site more efficient for search engines. Finally, we help businesses with digital PR campaigns to get more links to your website and build trust with search engines.

Keyword Research – SEO Strategies

A keyword is a word or phrase that describes a webpage or business. The chosen keyword should be relevant to the page’s content and consider your customers’ search trends. Understanding your customers’ searches helps us create a strategy to improve your rankings on search terms, giving you more exposure to potential customers. We’ll also consider additional data such as PPC performance where possible. Keyword research is at the core of our Shopify specialist SEO strategies. We use leading tools to compare search volumes, ranking difficulty, and even the keywords your competitors rank for. Our strategies are built with commercial insight to set us apart from other agencies.

In e-commerce, keywords can be very competitive, especially when products have similar names. It’s important to understand how search engines generate different results and name products accordingly. We also use the structure of product ranges to target specific search queries. Our SEO strategies for Shopify comply with the platform’s requirements and use keywords to guide customers through the most relevant customer journey, ultimately maximizing conversions.

SEO optimised content for customer engagement

Content marketing for businesses is incredibly important for success across industries when improving SEO rankings and it is vital to engaging customers too. Content used within an SEO strategy includes new articles and blogs written with your business in mind, we’ll also use new content to target specific search terms maximising impressions across search engines. We’ll optimise key page structures such as product pages, collection pages, product listing pages and key topical landing pages. On-site content SEO optimisation is also vital, your core pages of your store are the place that tells Google what your business is all about – as a Shopify SEO agency, we’ll work with you to optimise some on-site content with your keyword targets in mind. Optimised content allows you to reap the advantage targetted organic traffic has to offer. We optimise in several ways including our subjective improvements combined with the power and features of AI for content relevancy.

Alongside improving existing content and page structures, we’ll increase content around key topics to maximise the relevancy of the keyword targets and send search engines trust signals around the topics we wish to rank on. Alongside editorial style content, we’ll optimise collection pages, Shopify store navigation and product page layouts to improve the quality and maximise the opportunity to rank. We’ll review product titles, page schema and product descriptions to consider key platforms such as Google Rich Search results and Google Shopping. Our team also continue to monitor existing performance and optimise content long-term for maximise maintenance.

Digital PR Strategies

As Shopify SEO specialists, we don’t just consider on-site optimisation within our strategies – we also consider the importance of backlinks. Google users backlinks as a metric of your presence amongst the web and other websites – i.e. if other websites link to yours then your site must be great! It’s not quite as simple as that – Google also considers the reputation of the store that links to yours; known as domain authority to help decide who ranks at the top. We’ll craft idea-focused digital PR strategies to find backlink opportunities to maximise search visibility!

Our digital PR team specializes in getting your brand featured on respected industry websites to increase exposure. This not only brings more visitors to your store but also enhances your domain name’s reputation. Digital PR is a key part of our e-commerce SEO strategy, helping to build trust and improve your store’s ranking. We carefully assess backlink opportunities to ensure they are relevant and impactful for your business. Our digital PR SEO strategies are meticulously planned for long-term, trustworthy results.

Technical Optimisation For Search Engines.

We use our expertise in SEO and technical knowledge to improve your website’s content, links, and code to make it perform better, load faster, and offer a better experience for users. We follow best development practices to make the website easy to access and provide a positive user experience, both of which are important for search engine rankings. Our technical SEO audit includes analyzing the website’s structure, data, reviews, themes, URLs, performance, core web vitals, product descriptions, and security. By identifying SEO issues and challenges through our audit, we create a clear plan for an effective SEO strategy and success.

We use technical SEO strategies to check the links and errors on your site. We also look at the store schema and have experience with international SEO. We’ll make sure your site loads quickly as well.

Expand globally with international SEO.

Expanding your online store globally can be tough. It takes skill to make sure your store shows up in online searches as much as possible. It’s important to keep your current search rankings when you expand to new places. Our international SEO strategies can help with multiple stores or just one, using Shopify Markets customized for your business. We deal with duplicate content and use specific signals to show top search engines where to rank your store. Our team can help you plan your domain strategy for going international, using subdomains and subfolders. If you want to grow your online store and improve international SEO, we’re here to help.

Is SEO on Shopify different to other websites?

Shopify is a unique platform with its nuisances, meaning that thorough and detailed knowledge of the platform is required to manage an SEO strategy successfully. For example, the URL structures, taxonomy, and sitemap are specific and unique to the platform, requiring Shopify expertise to manage them appropriately. In addition, specialist Shopify experts have direct knowledge of key challenges that have to be mitigated that are unique to Shopify as a platform. Finally, technical SEO optimisation and improving content may require Shopify designers and developers to amend and update the code and frontend experience.

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